A long-standing love-hate friendship with the university
A long-standing love-hate friendship with the university
Robotic engineering graduate
Robotic engineering graduate
Graduating in the pandemic was definitely strange.
One of the first person that did it online, without party and with a lot of restriction.
During that date only my family was able to stay with me.
I had completed my engineer studied with a lot of difficult and sacrifice. During these years I studied a robotic subject that in my opinion are very interesting but not my passion. Fortunately I won a scholarship by ISFOR 2000 for a ISUP master.
Now let's see my graduation thesis, I am so prund about it.
Now let's see my graduation thesis, I am so prund about it.

This is my bachelor presentation, during 2019/2020 I founded a startup that make hardware and software support for rent store with ebike.
Here you can see how our startup was born with electric bike cart and how we pivout it.
Our our best teaching was "customer first",